Nadiya Lathifah Hani



One of the ethics that digital media users must understand is an understanding of digital literacy. The learning process in schools also gets the opportunity to expand student knowledge via the internet. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The increasing number of sources of information in learning to the phenomenon of copy and paste (copas) colors this modern digital development. Millennial generation lacks the ability to think critically. In this paper, several previous studies are presented and it is concluded that the function of the Indonesian language has begun to change its function. Some aspects such as aspects of internet searching, aspects of hypertextual navigation, and aspects of knowledge assembly are high. Meanwhile, content evaluation is classified as moderate. Then, in the case study research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that digital literacy learning needs to be applied to build character human resources (HR). Challenges in learning Indonesian in the 4.0 era, including (1) the competence of teachers and students in digital literacy, (2) infrastructure, and (3) an appropriate curriculum. Then, the results of the last research stated that students have been able to master 5 aspects of digital literacy (access, analyze and evaluate, create, reflect, and act).

Keywords: Digital literacy, Indonesian, millennial


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National Seminar of Indonesian Language Program is published by IKIP Siliwangi Bandung, Indonesia

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ISSN: 2615-0379