Kelik Wachyudi, Fauzi Miftakh,  Indah Purnamasari Dewi



The educational activity of writing through collaborative techniques is even relevant today. This collaborative writing technique engages learners in understanding a process at the beginning of writing, drafting, providing comments and finalizing the draft itself. The purpose of this article is to explain the advantages of learning writing through collaborative writing skills. The issues in this document are what are the advantages of learning to write using collaborative writing techniques? The method used in this topic was the literature review. This method is used to collect information on how useful the collaborative writing technique itself is. Results and discussion of the benefits of reading to compose through this collaborative writing technique, which is to stimulate students or learners to be more alive in writing activities by instilling an awareness to accept the outcomes of treatment in the form of constructive suggestions and critique. Therefore, the purpose of writing is better and more readable for readers. The highlight of this article is that collaborative writing is a competency that is nevertheless relevant to today's learners or students. Finally, this collaborative writing technique is a panacea for literacy.


Keywords: Writing, Collaborative, Literature Review.


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National Seminar of Indonesian Language Program is published by IKIP Siliwangi Bandung, Indonesia

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