Nisa Fadillah Kaffah, Ayu Nurfitri



Learning Indonesian in the 2013 curriculum, uses a text-based approach. One of them is the complex explanation text. the first learning activity is to understand the structure and rules of the text language. This research is seen from the ability of students in writing complex explanatory text, namely the ability of students to describe the structure of complex explanatory text consisting of identification of phenomena, a series of events, and reviews, as well as the ability of students to describe the language rules of complex explanatory text regarding time information pointer, how to show information. , use of conjunctions, pronouns, passive verbs. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data used is in the form of complex explanatory text data created by students of class XI SMA Bina Muda Cicalengka with a total of 22 students' works. The results of this study indicate that the ability to write complex explanatory text of the XI grade students of SMA Bina Muda Cicalengka is categorized as capable, of the 22 texts there are 20 complex explanatory texts of students who already have complete structures with a percentage of 91% and 2 complex explanatory texts students do not have a complete structure. with a percentage of 9%. Whereas in the chronological language rules and causality there were 22 with a percentage of 77.5%, 5 complex explanatory texts of students who used pronoun language rules with a percentage of 22.5%.


Keywords: complex explanatory text, complex explanatory text structure, complex explanatory text linguistic rules.


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National Seminar of Indonesian Language Program is published by IKIP Siliwangi Bandung, Indonesia

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ISSN: 2615-0379