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Language Education International Conference (LEI-Con)

Literacy in Indonesian language and literature education has a very important role in building the progress of the nation. Apart from being a means of communication for the advancement of the nation, Indonesian language and Indonesian literature are also the identity of the Indonesian nation. For this reason, Indonesian language and literature education is absolutely necessary to increase the nation's competitiveness, especially in facing various challenges and competition with the international world. The creative industry plays an important role in the process of developing world literacy. This shows that the creative industry is a path with great potential for the people of Indonesia. Indonesian language and literature education must be able to play an active role in welcoming this era. In the era of the creative industry, our nation is required to be able to communicate using intelligent and agile Indonesian as well as character.

This book is expected to contribute to the implementation of education, in the midst of changing the curriculum by the current government. It is hoped that the thoughts contained in this book will serve as a reference for teachers as implementers of education in the field in promoting and realizing quality education, especially in learning Indonesian Language and Literature.

  • Coda Dulu

  • Digital Technology in Language and Literature Education

International Seminar Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ISAMME)

  • Advocating Innovation of Mathematic Studies Through Literacy, Numeracy, and Computational Thinking Skill

    December 14, 2022 – December 14, 2022

    In the 21st century as it is today, students are expected to master character quality skills, competency skills and literacy skills. So that all these skills can be achieved to the maximum, the ability to think and reason is needed because these abilities are commonly used to solve a problem. These abilities are abilities that are directly related to literacy skills. There are six basic literacy points that have been agreed upon at the World Economic Forum in 2015 namely literacy, numeracy, scientific literacy, digital literacy, financial literacy and cultural literacy and citizenship. The six basic literacy points, there is literacy that is closely related to thinking and reasoning skills, namely numeracy literacy. Literacy has a very close relationship with language, while numeracy has a strong relationship with mathematics.


    In simple terms, numeracy can be interpreted as the ability to apply arithmetic operations skills and number concepts in our daily activities and the ability to interpret quantitative information that is around us. Thus, numeracy literacy can be interpreted as the ability to reason using language and mathematics. In another sense, numeracy literacy is the skill and knowledge to use various forms of symbols and numbers related to mathematics to solve problems in our daily lives, then analyze the information presented and interpret the results of the analysis to predict and make decisions (Kemendikbud, 2017).


    Based on the explanation above, numeracy literacy skills are certainly very necessary in various aspects of life. In everyday life and in society, we can take some examples of activities while shopping, going on vacation, wanting to open a business, building a house, learning about health, all of which require numeracy literacy skills. The information in the examples of these activities is usually presented in a graphical or numerical form. The state of understanding the graphic or numerical form that requires numeracy literacy skills. That way, to make the right decision, every individual is required to understand numeration.The 21st century is heavily influenced by computing, making it imperative that teacher educators incorporate computational thinking into elementary and secondary education. This means they must prepare teachers for computational thinking,2 empowering them to teach students these higher-order-thinking skills. Teacher-education programs are the opportune time to engage teachers early in their preparation to formulate ways to integrate computational thinking into their practice. Educational-technology and methods courses in elementary and secondary teacher preparation programs are ideal places for teacher educators to discuss computational thinking. The accompanying table summarizes our recommendations for teacher educators to embed literacy, numeracy and computational thinking into teacher-education programs. For this effort to succeed, however, computer science and education faculty must work collaboratively, as both groups bring complementary expertise in computing and teacher development. Teachers and preservice teachers are important aspects in developing literacy, numeracy and computational thinking skills, therefore teachers need to understand innovative learning to improve these abilities.


    The 2022 Mathematics International Seminar activity consists of several activities, namely Main Paper Presentation, and Parallel Paper Presentation. Main Paper Presentation is an event provided for 4 guest speakers. The first guest speaker Prof. Dr. H. Heris Hendriana, M.Pd he is the Postgraduate Director of IKIP Siliwangi who is also the general chairman of I-MES. The second guest speaker is Dr. Subanji, M.Pd., M.Si. who is an assessor of BAN-PT, the third speaker is Sitti Pattahudin, Ph.D., he is an academic lecturer at the University of Camberra. This presentation is divided into several fields which are attended by interested participants and carried out simultaneously between one field and another.

  • Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Masyarakat

Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Dalam era globalisasi dan digital dewasa ini, informasi berkembang dengan sangat cepat melalui berbagai macam media. Jarak tidak lagi menjadi hambatan dalam mendapatkan informasi dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Penguasaan bahasa asing, terutama Bahasa Inggris, menjadi sangat penting. Bukan hanya untuk mengikuti perkembangan informasi, tetapi juga merespon perkembangan yang ada.

Seiring dengan derasnya perkembangan informasi dan teknologi, institusi pendidikan dituntut untuk menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang handal dan cepat tanggap. Guru sebagai ujung tombak pendidikan diharapkan mampu merubah pendekatan dalam proses pembelajaran dari cara trandisional ke modern. Guru juga diharapkan lebih kreatif dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran. Dalam hal ini, guru dapat memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada. Dengan demikian, kemampuan berpikir kritis dan motivasi peserta didik dalam belajar akan meningkat. Hasilnya, mereka akan mampu menghadapi tantangan di era global dan digital.

Berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu dan Bahasa IKIP Siliwangi akan menyelenggarakan seminar nasional yang berkenaan dengan pembelajaran bahasa, terutama bahasa Inggris.  Adapun tema yang diangkat adalah “Language Teaching Dynamic in Serving Global and Digital Market”


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  • Embracing Industrial Revolution 4.0: Language Teaching Issues and Challenges 2019

    November 3, 2019 – November 4, 2019

    The 4.0 industrial revolution that is being faced today demands many changes in various fields. One of them is in the field of education. Education is demanded to be able to form creative, innovative and competitive generations. This can be achieved with teacher professionalism, a dynamic curriculum, reliable facilities and infrastructure, and the latest learning technology.


    Education in revolution 4.0 is synonymous with the use of cyber in the world of learning. In this case, it is time for educators to utilize technology in the classroom; not just ‘transfer’ knowledge from teacher to student. The learning process must begin to shift to thought processes that can hone students' creative and innovative thinking abilities. The concepts of communication, collaboration, and networking must also be applied. This is because students are considered capable of using the latest technology where information sources can be accessed easily.


    Also, a dynamic curriculum is needed. According to the Minister of Education, Muhajir Effendy (2018), five competencies should be added to the curriculum to be able to compete in the 4.0 industrial revolution era. One of them is good communication skills, especially in English. Fluent in English becomes important considering this language has been established as an international language, business language, and technology. With a good command of English, Indonesia's young generation can compete well on the international work competition map.


    The question is, is language education in Indonesia ready to meet the demands of the 4.0 industrial revolution? To answer this question the English Education Study Program, IKIP Siliwangi, will hold a seminar with the theme "Embracing Industrial Revolution 4.0: Language Teaching Issues and Challenges".