Aseptiana Parmawati, Ratih Inayah



Speaking is the highest target in English language because speaking is basis of communication which becomes a function learning. Therefore, the lecturer should be able to encourage and motivate the students to learn the target language by using the appropriate method or media that makes their students feel comfortable, independent, autonomous, and responsible. The belief that everyone loves watching movies, strengthens the lecturer’s confidence to use English movies as an attractive strategy to teach in speaking class. The subject of this research consist of 34 students. This research used qualitative descriptive method. The objective of the study is finding out the students response of English Movie as a media, when applied in speaking class. The instrument used is questionnaire grid. Based on the data analysis, it can be conclude that majority of students give positive response towards the implementation of English Movie in speaking class. They  had  good  selves-confidence  to  express  their  ideas  in  learning activity,  most  of  them  could  decrease  their  fears  and  rigidness  to  practice  speaking skill.

Keywords: Response, English Movie, Speaking




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National Seminar published by IKIP Siliwangi Bandung, Indonesia

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ISSN: 2355-5955