Neng Eva Loviasyuni, Chandika Lira, Yanuarti Apsari



The curriculum is undoubtedly an integral part of education. In Indonesia, the education curriculum has undergone several changes. The 2013 curriculum is expected to answer the needs and challenges to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. The objectives of this research are to investigate the challenges faced by the teachers in implementing Scientific Approach and their solutions to face the challenges. The English teachers in SMK Negeri 4 Padalarang were selected as the respondents of this study. The interview was used in order to get the data. The data showed that there were several challenges faced by the teachers in implementing scientific approach. The challenges deal with different students’ abilities, in appropriate teaching material in BSE book and limited time in planning lesson. In addition, the data also revealed several solutions to face the challenges such as using collaborative learning, using the additional book as the reference for teaching, creating the lesson plan collaboratively with the other English teachers in MGMP.

Keywords: 2013 Curriculum, Scientific Approach, Challenges and Solutions




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