Vivi Yulia Patiwi, Isry Laila Syathroh



This research was conducted in order to find out: 1) the significant differences between cooperative learning through Team Game Tournament (TGT) and discovery learning in teaching reading, 2) to know the implementation of cooperative learning through Team Game Tournament (TGT) in teaching reading, and 3) to investigate students’ difficulties in learning reading using cooperative learning through TGT and discovery learning at 10th grade of SMAN 4 Cimahi. The design which applied in this research is quasi-experimental research. There are two classes, experimental class and control class. The experimental class was taught by using TGT while the control class was taught by using discovery learning. Furthermore, this research was conducted through the following procedures: giving the pre-test, applying treatments, giving post-test. The data was collected through tests, observation and interview. The data of the tests was then calculated by using independent samples t-test in SPSS with significant level (α) 0.05 and the data of the observation and interview were described. The result shows that independent samples t-test of posttest score is 0.010 (p=0.010). It means that p<0.05 or p<α. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It can be inferred that there is a significant differences of students’ reading skill on recount text between students who are taught by using TGT and students who are taught without using TGT technique. The implementation of TGT in experimental class and discovery learning method in control class to teach reading recount text improve students’ reading skill. It can be seen from students’ pretest and posttest scores. However, the scores in experimental class increase higher than the scores in control class. Pretest scores in experimental class is 46.24 and control class is 51.91, while posttest scores in experimental class is 72.82 and control class is 64.42. Moreover, the transcription of interviews with the students proves that the difficulties that almost students face in reading are because they have not mastered wide range of vocabulary, it caused they did not know the meaning of many words. Besides that, they revealed that they face the difficulties in answering the reading comprehension questions because the text used are too long and they do not have a good understanding to comprehend the questions that are asked.

Keywords: Cooperative learning, Teams Games Tournaments (TGT), discovery learning, and reading





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National Seminar published by IKIP Siliwangi Bandung, Indonesia

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ISSN: 2355-5955