Conference Archives
Embracing Industrial Revolution 4.0: Language Teaching Issues and Challenges 2019
IKIP Siliwangi
St. General Sudirman, West Java
Cimahi, ID
November 3, 2019 – November 4, 2019
The 4.0 industrial revolution that is being faced today demands many changes in various fields. One of them is in the field of education. Education is demanded to be able to form creative, innovative and competitive generations. This can be achieved with teacher professionalism, a dynamic curriculum, reliable facilities and infrastructure, and the latest learning technology.
Education in revolution 4.0 is synonymous with the use of cyber in the world of learning. In this case, it is time for educators to utilize technology in the classroom; not just ‘transfer’ knowledge from teacher to student. The learning process must begin to shift to thought processes that can hone students' creative and innovative thinking abilities. The concepts of communication, collaboration, and networking must also be applied. This is because students are considered capable of using the latest technology where information sources can be accessed easily.
Also, a dynamic curriculum is needed. According to the Minister of Education, Muhajir Effendy (2018), five competencies should be added to the curriculum to be able to compete in the 4.0 industrial revolution era. One of them is good communication skills, especially in English. Fluent in English becomes important considering this language has been established as an international language, business language, and technology. With a good command of English, Indonesia's young generation can compete well on the international work competition map.
The question is, is language education in Indonesia ready to meet the demands of the 4.0 industrial revolution? To answer this question the English Education Study Program, IKIP Siliwangi, will hold a seminar with the theme "Embracing Industrial Revolution 4.0: Language Teaching Issues and Challenges".