Guidance and Counseling International Conference 2022

IKIP Siliwangi (Blended Via Zoom)

November 23, 2022 – November 24, 2022

The International Seminar entitled “Guidance Counseling International Conference” (GCIC) which was held by the Guidance and Counseling Study Program of the Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Siliwangi has become a routine activity since 2016. However, implementation on an international scale is an activity that we will do as part of a new program. an effort to explore and improve scientific studies in a wider forum, this International Seminar was held at the Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikkan (IKIP) Siliwangi, Jln. Terusan Jen. Sudirman, Baros, Kec. Central Cimahi, Cimahi City, West Java. This academic activity is a synergistic collaboration between the sponsor and universities both at home and abroad as affiliates of the presenters. The Guidance and Counseling Study Program of the Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikkan (IKIP) Siliwangi continues to be committed to building an academic climate, by organizing National and International Seminars to expand the scientific repertoire, especially studies in Guidance and Counseling, besides that the purpose of this scientific meeting is to provide opportunities for students academics, observers, practitioners, and researchers discuss and contribute their real ideas in scientific forums to contribute to the field of Education, especially the field of Guidance and Counseling. The Guidance Counseling International Conference is dedicated to promoting scientific acceleration, technological innovation, and technology in assisting the pedagogical process. The first International Seminar in 2022 with the theme “Multicultural Education: Guidance and Counseling Perspective Toward Professional and Competent Counselor Of 21st Century”

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