Resty Zulema Relianisa, Islahul Mauliya2, Umi Rokhyati




At graduate level, students’ poor performance cut across almost all the compulsory subjects in which English Language is inclusive. Poor academic performance of students is one problem that impedes the smooth actualization of the purpose of education which is to mentally prepare an individual for service to himself and to the society. A student who has a poor academic record would find it difficult to cope in a competitive society. That individual may not also be mentally balanced enough or may lack the needed confidence to face life squarely. So, the main purpose of this research paper is to find out the factors that affect students’ academic poor performance among graduate students of EnglishDepartment. The writers analyze and describe the finding by giving data that can be presented quantitatively, analyzed quantitatively and explained descriptively. The finding showed that there are two main factors that affect students’ academic poor performance, first one is internal factors and the second one is external factors.Internal factors come from the students itself such as lack of motivation, lack of confidence, laziness, and lack of knowledge. External factors come fromthe presence of lecturers in the classroom, family motivation and the conducive environment.

Keywords: Academic Poor Performance, Education, Learning, Graduate Students.




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