Mumin, Merry Rumondang, Jetro Limbong



The purpose of this study is to describe the use of the legendary text "Malin Kundang" as a means of learning moral education for students. This study used descriptive qualitative research with a sample population of 34 students of class VII SMP Kahuripan Lembang, West Java, who took Indonesian lessons. The data was collected by means of observation and the use of tests. The instruments used were observation sheets and question sheets with multiple choice forms. The research validation was tested by external validity. The technical analysis was carried out by testing the students' knowledge of recognizing the moral values contained in the legendary text "Malin Kundang". The results of the study were (1) the use of the legendary text "Malin Kundang" effectively as a means of moral education. (2) The use of the legendary text "Malin Kundang" helps students recognize and understand moral education. (3) Students receive moral education contained in the legendary text "Malin Kundang".

Keywords: legend text, Malin kundang, moral education


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National Seminar of Indonesian Language Program is published by IKIP Siliwangi Bandung, Indonesia

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ISSN: 2615-0379